Sunday, October 21, 2012

Finding Ideas For Article Writing When You Are Out And About ...

Finding Ideas for Article Writing When You Are Out And About  -  Advice for Newbies

If you?re trying to generate ideas for article writing, it can be easy to think that this all has to be done by sitting and researching online. Although the internet is an enormous and wonderful resource for finding out information and stimulating new ideas, if you?re creating content on a regular basis it can also be useful to step away from your computer and in the course of your day take note of things around you that can stimulate ideas. Try and be flexible and allow your mind just to have fun and finding ideas for article writing will come from the most surprising places.

Other peoples conversations

I?m sure you?re thinking that you don?t make a habit of listening to other people?s conversations, but often it?s very difficult not to. People talking on their phones, in the street, on public transport. People holding conversations in doctor?s waiting rooms, dentists, hospital waiting rooms, hairdressers, in cafes and bars. You don?t need to listen to hear whole conversations, even small snippets can generate ideas. What are their fears, their worries, the problems they have and need solving?

Shop window displays

Look at what they are promoting and how they?re promoting it. What story are they telling? What need are they trying to fulfill? Your online business may be completely different, but that doesn?t mean there isn?t something that you can?t make a connection to and write about.

Flyers and posters

Sometimes it seems you can?t walk down a street without someone trying to press a flyer in your hand. As tempting as it may be to just put it in the nearest bin, take a quick look. Similarly instead of just walking on past advertising hoardings, see if there?s anything that stimulates your interest.

Public announcements

Yes even public announcements in train, bus, or coach stations or ones inside shops can be interesting. Quite often one hears poor examples of communication skills, customer service, time management, organisational skills or even funny announcements that can spark ideas and help you find ideas for article writing.

Hustle and bustle of life

Just in the course of a normal day you will be interacting with lots of different people. Some of these interactions whether they be positive or negative can be used to generate further ideas. Sometimes it may be conversations, it may be the manner of someone, it may be the way their dressed, it may be something that they?re doing. And of course ? although I?ve said about the hustle and bustle of life they are just as many times to gain ideas at quieter times such as a walk in the country, a jog along the beach...


When you?re out and about on an everyday basis you will come across many things which can help you in finding and generating ideas for article writing. The connections may not seem obvious, but be flexible. Oh and I never said earlier, but always have a way of jotting down any idea that comes into your head. There?s nothing worse than having a great idea and then not being able to remember it later.


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