No, Terminator 5 is not coming out soon, from what I know. But I do? think I would be a good one though
This was a joke picture a (female) friend took one day. Which I then put up on Facebook. I got quite a response!
Anyhow, this picture got me thinking- would most healthcare type professionals (like me) be willing to do this? Not? to be a big headed, but to show people how their health and fitness programme is working for them?
I agree with Paul Chek when he says, ?If you cant teach health and fitness in your underwear, you shouldn?t be teaching it!? This isn?t arrogance as most people with low self-esteem would think. its sharing your truth!
its not even about being perfect or being the best, or being the biggest. its all about walking the walk to the best of your abilities. This point mainly applies to the following health and fitness professionals:
-Fitness Instructors/Personal Trainers
-Class instructors
-Nutritionists, and the like
-Strength coaches
-C.H.E.K practitioners at all levels
-Physical Therapists/Functional Trainers
-Athletic/sports coaches of all types
-Health and fitness writers
(Not so much so with pure bodywork therapists. But they should still make an effort to look their best!)
Why? Because most of these professionals mainly deal with health, body shape transformation. physical development/beauty and strength. And its blatantly obvious if they don?t own it themselves. This is not a personal dig at anyone, but a professional one.
I had so many people (and friends) who where gym members saying things to me like:
?I was in the gym the other day, and the personal trainer who was working their was so out of shape!?
I?m not against people in general being ?out of shape? and over weight, but I?m against health care professionals who deal with the above, that are. Especially if they have been in the business for many years, and should know better.
When I first decided to start out in the health and fitness industry, I had never used a gym, but wanted to work in one to some degree. I said to myself, ?If I want to teach people how to use a gym, I better start using it myself and build my body as proof.?
As I didn?t feel comfortable using a gym on my own, at that time, I got my own weight training equipment for home, and used that for around six months to a year, whilst learning all I could about training and fitness. Only after then I applied to work in a gym as a basic Fitness Instructor.
I knew even from then you must walk your talk (to the best of your abilities), with what ever you are preaching. For example:
If your teaching others to get ripped and lean- BE RIPPED AND LEAN YOURSELF
If your teaching others to have good posture- HAVE GOOD POSTURE YOURSELF
If you are teaching other to get stronger- BE STRONG ENOUGH (FOR YOU) YOURSELF
Etc, etc? Get the point?
Also, as I have said before, if you are teaching people how to eat, be healthier and be fitter, you should ask yourself (as I do myself):
How lean am I?
Do I have chubby face and fat around my middle?
Whats my posture like?
Whats my breathing like?
How clear is my skin?
Have I had to use certain ?enhancing? products to look the way I look (and deceiving my clients)?
Do I have dark circles/bags under my eyes?
Do I have a sparkle in my eyes?
How strong/muscular/fit am I relative to my body weight and gender (and genetics)?
Would I be willing to teach them in my underwear?
Am I general always happy?
Am I always in chronic and constant pain?
Am I always tired?
What is my aura (energy field) like when you I around people?, etc, etc.
Again, its not about being perfect or a health freak, its all about being the best you can be! We all have stuff to work on. That?s what self-development is. But most health care professionals are not at THEIR physical best.
Look and the likes of Paul Chek, Eugen Sandow and Jack Lalanne. These guys didn?t take steroids. Just hard training, good food and plenty of rest!
The first two are my biggest inspiration. But who are you inspiring? The word inspire means to be in spirit. When you put someone ?in spirit? it just makes them want to workout (in this case) just by looking at you.
Also, if you are a health care professional, be careful from who you are getting advice and education from. When you do, ask yourself:
How lean are they?
Do they have chubby face and fat around their middle?
Whats their posture like?
Whats their breathing like?
How clear is their skin?
Have they had to use certain ?enhancing? products to look the way they look?
Do they have dark circles/bags under theirs eyes?
Do they have a sparkle in their eyes?
How strong/muscular/fit are they relative to their body weight and gender?
Would they be willing to teach you in their underwear?
Are they general always happy?
Are they always tired?
Are they always in chronic and constant pain?
What their aura (energy field) like when you are around them?, etc, etc
Best of luck on ?being the change? for others to see!
P.S. I highly recommend Paul Chek?s book How to Eat, Move and be Healthy to help you be the change.
You can see what it has done for me here?
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